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Optek com binary options. Every trader who sets off to explore the world binary options is searching for the best possible way to forecast financial markets, and therefore obtain stable returns. One of the worst and most common mistakes that novice traders make, however, is regarding options trading as a sort of gamble, which makes them rely solely on their luck without really considering or analyzing the current situation on the market. They may be lucky at the beginning, however, luck does not tend to last long, and losing all money on one’s account won’t be a big surprise. So what should the trader do instead?
Your first, and, probably, most useful tool is a good trading strategy – the one that fits your trading style and shows stable long-term results. A clearly formulated trading strategy will help you remain in control of the situation and manage your trading account. Find such a strategy requires a certain amount of effort and time. The internet can offer a wide choice of free information on the topic, based on various indicators, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis; in addition to that, there are custom algorithms available from premium providers.
It is quite easy to get confused by this variety, so to make it clearer we have subdivided this topic into pattern strategies, indicator-based strategies, and fundamental strategies, based on their underlying principles. Below we will describe the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as offer you some advice about selecting the strategy that is suitable for you. Pattern strategies Graphical methods are based on the basic principles of technical analysis translated into visual patterns on price charts; the majority of professional traders use graphical strategies as their primary trading instruments. The main premise underlying this type of market analysis is the recurrence of price patterns: if a certain combination of price movements leads to a particular action on the market, this correlation will, quite likely, persist in the future.
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Over time traders have identified a great number of patterns (of varying predictive power), which, when appearing on the graph, may indicate the direction in which the market is most likely to develop. Just like all other groups of strategies, this one has two types of visual objects: trend and counter-trend signals. The former are used to confirm an existing price trend, i. e. Direction; in other words, such patterns imply that, despite minor fluctuations, the current trend will continue its development.
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