Lot Value On Forex
Let's say my mini account has margin of $10,000, and I want to risk 2% on the next trade (that is, simply use $200 to buy of contracts). [I realize this is a limited view of 'risk'. I'm not interested in stopLoss pips, or profit targets, or whatever.] Using MetaTrader, I get the following mini account information from my broker: accountLeverage = (); // value = 200 modeLotSize = MarketInfo('EURUSDm', MODE_LOTSIZE); // value = 10000 modeLotStep = MarketInfo('EURUSDm', MODE_LOTSTEP); // value =.01 modeMinLot = MarketInfo('EURUSDm', MODE_MINLOT) ); // value =.01 QUESTION: How do I calculate the lot size for $200? (It would be useful to know the cost of a minimum size lot. In this case, the minimum size lot is.01). QUESTION: Is the lot size calculation formula the same for all currency pairs?
A lot is the standard number of units in a trading security. In the financial markets, a lot represents the standardized quantity of a financial instrument as set out by an exchange or similar.
A lot references the smallest available trade size that you can place when trading the Forex market. Typically, brokers will refer to lots by increments of 1000 or a micro lot. Typically, brokers will refer to lots by increments of 1000 or a micro lot. The value of the forex lot applied to a trade will have a bearing on the risk profile for the account. The risk to an account is a function of the account size, stop loss, currency traded, risk percentage applied and the Lot size.
Thank you very much in advance. The problem is not fully defined. /popular-currency-pairs-forex.html.
If you say you want to risk 2% then you have to fix one of the variables: the stop loss level or the trade volume. Since you're asking about calculating the lot size that means you don't want it fixed but that requires you to become interested in stop loss pips even though you say you're not. If you don't have a stop loss then risking 2% means taking a fixed lot size, e.g. 1.0, and waiting till your current losses reach 2% of the initial margin.
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You don't need to calculate the lot size here as you see. Once stop loss level enters the view, the calculation is simple: double tradeVolume = () * Risk/100 / ( StopLossPoints * MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE ) ); That is, given a stop loss level for any particular trade, you will always have the specified percentage of your initial margin lost if the stop loss is taken. You will also want to normalize the resulting value by MODE_LOTSTEP and cap it with MODE_MINLOT and MODE_MAXLOT. Bstone wrote The problem is not fully defined. If you say you want to risk 2% then you have to fix one of the variables: the stop loss level or the trade volume. Since you're asking about calculating the lot size that means you don't want it fixed but that requires you to become interested in stop loss pips even though you say you're not. If you don't have a stop loss then risking 2% means taking a fixed lot size, e.g.
Forex Mini Lot
1.0, and waiting till your current losses reach 2% of the initial margin. You don't need to calculate the lot size here as you see. Once stop loss level enters the view, the calculation is simple: double tradeVolume = AccountFreeMargin() * Risk/100 / ( StopLossPoints * MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE ) ); That is, given a stop loss level for any particular trade, you will always have the specified percentage of your initial margin lost if the stop loss is taken.
You will also want to normalize the resulting value by MODE_LOTSTEP and cap it with MODE_MINLOT and MODE_MAXLOT. This produces an answer of 6.66 on a mini-account.
Does that seem about right? Double risk3 = 2.0; stopLossPips = 30; double orderLotSize3 = AccountFreeMargin() * risk3/100 / ( stopLossPips * MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE ) ); orderLotSize3 = orderLotSize3 - MathMod( orderLotSize3, 2*MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP ) ); orderLotSize3 = NormalizeDouble(orderLotSize3, 2).
Explanation of contract sizes (lots) A lot is defined as a unit of the transaction size used in trading and is one of the important elements of risk management. The size of the transaction or the lot value changes from one market or security to another. Lot is also known as a contract size and is how securities are generally traded.